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Content Management

Swiss Medical Weekly

Online platform for a diamond open access journal

Case Study: SMW

Development of a custom solution on the OJS (Open Journal System) platform.

History with a Historic Publication

The Swiss Medical Weekly (formerly known as Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift) has been around since 1871. And Mesh was the developer of the publication's original website approximately 25 years ago. For a bit of nostalgia, see here what that site looked like so many moons ago!

In 2022 Mesh was once again retained to help with the development of the publication's latest installment of its website.

Content Management  with the OJS Platform

The SMW selected the Open Journal System (OJS) by PKP as the framework for its relaunch. Mesh supported the client by creating a custom theme on the platform and by helping to integrate years worth of tightly structured, original content that was sourced from another third party partner.

To accomplish the task and meet the tight deadlines Mesh worked on various platforms simultaneously and it was the technical liaison keeping the project on track. Going forward, the collaboration continues as Mesh will help automate content transfers via APIs from the organization's editorial management tool.
